4 Supplier Mistakes to Avoid When it Comes to Silicon Wafers


March 12, 2020

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Not all silicon wafer suppliers are the same, which is why it’s important to choose a silicon wafer supplier you can trust to deliver you quality goods on time and at a reasonable price to avoid any costly mistakes. Here we’ll tackle the 4 most important supplier mistakes you need to avoid.

What are Silicon Wafer Suppliers?

What are the 4 Supplier Mistakes to Avoid?

Not Doing Supplier Assessment before Doing Business

Before doing business with any silicon wafer suppliers, it’s important to conduct a thorough evaluation assessment to avoid any problems and untrustworthy experiences. Treat your suppliers as strategic business partners and include them in your decision-making process. It’s important to guarantee that your supplier of choice is trustworthy from the beginning to avoid any costly problems along the way and to guarantee smooth operations.

Not Knowing Your Supplier's Full Capacity

It’s important to know and understand the full capacity of your suppliers, so that when procurement problems arise you won’t get disappointed. To avoid any procurement problems, it’s important that you also monitor your suppliers to ensure that all your delivery demands and standards are met. Also, conduct regular performance assessment, supplier review, and agree on the action and improvement plan.

Focusing Too Much on Cost Reduction

Cost reduction is every business's goal but if it means sacrificing the quality of your products, then you should stop focusing too much on cost reduction. Going cheap can sacrifice the quality of your products, which in turn may result in you losing your customers. This is another mistake you want to avoid. So, instead of choosing a supplier who offers the lowest price, choose a supplier you can trust to deliver you reasonably priced quality products on time.

Lack of Transparency

It's important that neither you nor your supplier withholds any crucial information. As much as possible, be transparent with each other. Share critical data like product changes, market trends, and sales forecasts to guarantee that neither of you receives any unwanted surprises, which may put tension in your relationship.

Need Silicon Wafer Suppliers?

Looking for Silicon Wafer Suppliers?

It pays to be meticulous when choosing who to do business with from the many silicon wafer suppliers. At Wafer World, we never sacrifice quality over quantity. Contact us to learn more!

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