Silicon Wafer Manufacturing | Types of Wafer Substrates You Can Work With


June 10, 2019

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Wafers are widely used in different electronic applications in different fields. And for every application, there is a specific wafer substrate that is suitable in making them. If you’re looking for the best type of wafer you can work with for your projects, then you only need to find a trusted silicon wafer manufacturing who can provide you with the right type of wafer. To help you decide on which wafer substrate will best fit your project, here are some different types of wafer substrates you can work with:

Silicon on Insulator

The purpose of SOIs is that they electronically insulate the monocrystalline silicon from the rest of the wafer. This allows the SOI-based chips to better perform at a higher speed without consuming too much power. This is the perfect type of wafer for high-performance radio frequency applications and for silicon photonics. Silicon wafer manufacturing can produce SOIs according to your specifications.

Single Element Semiconductors

Silicon is the most common single element semiconductor because of its superior properties. It is commonly used in the production of microchips and integrated circuits, which is utilized in gadgets and other electronic devices. It is also widely used in various microscopic devices.

Organic Semiconductor

Organic semiconductors are founded on carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen which makes it low-cost compared to other types of semiconductors. It is used for organic light-emitting diodes and other numerous organic electronics.

III-V Semiconductors

The most common type of III-V semiconductor is the GaAs or Gallium Arsenide. It is known for its high resistance to radiation decay and thermal stability. It is used in the manufacturing of solar cells, Gunn Diodes, radar systems, and more.

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Looking for Silicon Wafer Manufacturing?

Get the wafer you need from a trusted silicon wafer manufacturing. At Wafer World, we aim to provide all types of quality wafers for your all your wafer needs. Call us today for inquiries or visit our website to purchase wafers online.

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